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Important Note

This test requires a separate blue top collected just for this test.

UVMMC: This test must be collected at the Main Campus, 111 Colchester Avenue, Burlington, VT.

This test is subject to reflex testing, see Laboratory Reflex Testing Policy, you have the option to decline reflex testing if you believe it is not medically necessary. if the thrombelastograph assay has an R-value of >10 seconds TEG Heparinase (Additional CPT’s billed: 85347, 85384 x 2, 85390, 85576) will be performed.
Phlebotomy or Operating Room collections require a separate blue top tube for testing. This test must be collected at the Main Campus only. The testing must begin within 2 hours. Samples are drawn through a 19-21 gauge butterfly needle. Collect a discard tube of 3 mL of blood prior to collection of the blue top tube. Keep blue top tube capped and at ambient temperature, do not spin. Collection time must be documented on the tube.

Additional Codes

Primary ID

Epic Code

Mayo Access ID


LAB3560 N/A

Specimen Information




Collect Vol

Submit Vol

Minimum Vol

Blue Top Tube Whole Blood Ambient 3.5 mL To fill line 3.5 mL 3.5 mL 2 hours

The sample must be collected at the Main Campus. This test requires a separate blue top collected just for this test. Testing must begin within 2-hours. Samples are drawn through a 19-21 gauge butterfly needle. Collect a discard tube of 3 mL of blood prior to collection of the blue top tube. Keep Blue Top tube capped and at ambient temperature, do not spin. Collection time must be documented on the tube.

Test Schedule / Analytical Time / Test Priority

Daily / 24 Hours / Not available STAT




Description CPT Code
Activated Coagulation time 85347
Fibrinogen Activity 85384 × 2
Fibrinolysis or Coagulopathy Screen 85390
Platelet Aggregation 85576
Interpretation 85390.26 or 85396




Reference Range

See report



Performing Location

University of Vermont Medical Center

Is the UVMMC lab NY State Certified to perform this testing?  Yes/No


LOINC Code Information

Result Code Reporting Name LOINC Code
TEGR Reaction Time 52789-5
TEGK K Time 52768-9
TEGANG Angle 66748-5
TEGMA Maximum Amplitude 52778-8
EPL Estimated % Lysis 66757-6
TEGLY Clot Lysis 66745-1
TEGINT Interpretation 69049-5
TEGPL Patient Location 56816-2